Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is a globally recognized certification in the field of audit, control and security of information systems. CISA gained worldwide acceptance having uniform certification criteria, the certification a high degree of visibility and recognition in the fields of IT security, IT audit, IT risk management and governance.
ISACA was incorporated in 1969 by a small group of individuals who recognized a need for a centralized source of information and guidance in the growing field of auditing controls for computer systems. Today, ISACA has more than 110,000 constituents worldwide.
Why to be CISA 2014:
- Confirms your knowledge and experience
- Quantifies and markets your expertise
- Demonstrates that you have gained and maintained the level of knowledge required to meet the dynamic challenges of a modern enterprise
- Is globally recognized as the mark of excellence for the IS audit professional
- Combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam with recognition of work and educational experience, providing you with credibility in the marketplace.
- Increases your value to your organization
- Gives you a competitive advantage over peers when seeking job growth
- Helps you achieve a high professional standard through ISACA’s requirements for continuing education and ethical conduct.
English: CISA Practice Question Database v13 (CD-ROM)
CISA answers 2013CISM review manual 2013